Dr. Viorel Dejeu dispels this myth, without any detours: “This is how people think obesity is solved.
If it were that simple, we wouldn’t have the statistics that tell us that 60% of the country’s population has it
excess kilos”.
Why can’t you lose weight by eating less? The causes are multiple, as Dr.
Viorel Dejeu explains: “Obesity can also be genetically inherited. If you are in that category, only
reducing caloric intake does not accomplish much. Your body will burn a little and adapt a lot
quickly on any diet. Someone who does not have this genetic trait, if they reduce their caloric intake,
will lose weight slightly. Those who don’t have the genetic inheritance get fat because they eat too much, but
so they spoil their metabolism and enter the same vicious circle. So you are obese and should eat
30% of what you eat now to lose a little weight and manage to keep it off, what does it mean to
stay hungry at every meal. Who can do that for the rest of their life?”.
Many of the patients of Doctor Dejeu’s team were small children with extra pounds. They can’t
imagine what it’s like to be normal weight.
Bariatric interventions, well done and well cared for in the long term are the most effective
methods to fight obesity. How do they help patients and what needs do they fulfill?
- They reduce the size of the stomach and help them to be full with what little amount they have
need the stomach; - They reduce the feeling of hunger, so it helps them to be satisfied with that small amount of
food. - They reduce intestinal absorption (in bypasses), so not everything will be absorbed
patients ingest.
The conclusion comes from Dr. Viorel Dejeu: “There is no medicine or diet that
to be able to overcome bariatric surgery. Nor will there be very soon. Be convinced, those of you
operation, that you have chosen the best method. From now on, take care to enjoy the results and them
keep as long as you can! Much health, will and confidence!”.