
Bypass or sleeve? What is the most appropriate intervention?

The Doctor Dejeu team always tries to achieve the maximum effect with the least intervention
aggressive. Everything, for the good of the patients. From the experience so far, however, the team of surgeons
has noticed that some people want more drastic surgery just to make sure they have it
to work less later on with their body, with their health balance, with their diet.

Dr. Dănuț Dejeu answers firmly and highlights 3 important situations to take into account:

  1. Never bypass when you can sleeve
  2. Diabetes for many years, difficult to control, although you follow the diabetic diet? Then definitely
    bypass, if your pancreas tests are within good limits.
  3. Did you gain weight after a sleeve? We do resleeve if possible or bypass if there is none
    the resleeve version”.

What patients need to know before coming for a check-up already convinced that bypass is the solution
for them, it is, first of all, to listen to the advice of professionals. Doctors are there for
patients, they want what is best for them and it is important that patients are open to dialogue. The Bypass
changes the physiology of the digestive system much more than a sleeve, like Dr. Dănuț Dejeu
specifies: “Bypass is not for everyone. It’s for those who are very responsible, who know how to respect
the directions given by us. Otherwise, it can end with serious problems of malabsorption or

Moderation and teamwork are two extremely important values ​​​​for Doctor Dejeu.
Experience over time, taking care of more than 2,000 patients annually, has led to
many situations occurred, solved, some even prevented, and in more rigorous patients or
on the contrary. It is certain that, during all this time, the Doctor Dejeu team also learned a lot.
The advice that Dr. Dănuț Dejeu offers to potential or future patients is not to make decisions
hasty: “Don’t rush with too aggressive interventions. Especially if you are young. And if you are
past your first youth, not even then! From an age onwards, the ability to accommodate ourselves to
major changes is drastically reduced”.

For detailed information about the procedures, do not hesitate to contact the Doctor Dejeu team at
telephone: 0771 411 533


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